• Reduces medicinal and chemical usage, therefore reducing discharges  and residues in the marine environment.
  • Reduces plastic use in the marine environment, preventing the degradation and disintegration of  fake plastic kelp into the sea.
  • Reduces the carbon footprint of expensive and high energy treatment methods utilising generators, pumps, large marine vessels and the transit between sites of vessels employed in lice treatments.
  • Reduces pressure on the natural environment by reducing the number of wild caught wrasse required by the industry.
  • Manufactured from recycleable and reusable materials, KelpRing is part of the circular economy enabling resources to be managed within environmental limitations.


  • Provides the cleaner fish with their natural habitat, reducing stress and optimising fish health and welfare.
  • Keeps the cleaner fish in the lice zone within the pens.
  • Allows the fish to graze on their natural diet of molluscs etc which will grow on the kelp plants and in return will ensure that the kelp keeps healthy.
  • A symbiotic relationship exists between the kelp plants and the cleaner fish as noted by the way the wrasse rub themselves against the plants
  • Natural antibiotic properties have been noted within kelp from research in the Faroe Islands, resulting in enhanced lumpfish health when these fish graze on the plants in Faroese salmon farms
  • Kelp absorbs and thrives on the nitrates and phosphates in salmon waste and through photosynthesis diffuses oxygen into the cages


  • Reduction in the number of expensive treatments required.
  • Effective lice control 24/7 throughout the whole period of the salmon cycle.
  • Increased productivity and salmon growth rates through the reduction in treatments.
  • Reduction in losses of both salmon and cleaner fish during existing sea lice treatments.
  • Increased longevity of cleaner fish resulting in reduced costs of replacement fish.
  • Cost savings and other benefits resulting from the reduction in man hours currently spent cleaning fake plastic hides given that kelp is naturally kelp self-cleaning


  • Assists companies to show they are moving 'beyond compliance' and demonstrates commitment to good environmental performance and sustainability.
  • Commitment to fish welfare enhances the reputation of the industry and increases consumer confidence.
  • Supermarket wholesale buyers recognise that improved fish welfare results in a superior quality salmon.
  • Will help the industry achieve its ambitious production goals, with fish welfare and environmental concerns to the fore.
  • Low maintenance with natural kelp being 'self-cleaning' - reduction in man hours involved in maintenance of fake kelp hides.

KelpRing, the next generation of cleaner fish habitats.

Showing how wrasse and salmon interact with the KelpRing when installed in the farm pens.

KelpRing on trial with Loch Duart

5 minute observational video showing the environmental enrichment provided by the KelpRing.

Shows wrasse hunting sea lice, wrasse/salmon interaction, natural habitat interactions from the wrasse and them using the KelpRing as a base for their foraging trips.

The cleaner fish were a mix of nursery bred and wild caught Ballan wrasse and all were displaying good welfare indicators. The habitats were carefully positioned to allow the wrasse to be close to the salmon swim path.

Fake Kelp V Natural Kelp.

1.50 minute video showing the preference of the cleaner fish between the present industry standard of fake plastic kelp and the natural living kelp forest of the KelpRing.